2022 NASPGHAN Annual Meeting Agenda

** Please note sessions with this mark will not be recorded for viewing online.
The recordings of sessions will be unedited. Virtual attendees will not be able to interact with the sessions other than viewing. All registrants, if they attend in person or virtually, will have access to the recorded sessions. More details will be posted shortly. 

Accepted Scientific Abstracts have been published by JPGN. You can find them here.

Please make sure to click on each tab below to see all of the programming for that day.

5:00pm – 7:00pm  Reception in the Exhibit Hall **
  • Poster session I **
  • Exhibit hall open **

This year we are celebrating the 50th Anniversary of NASPGHAN. Keep an eye out for all of the  special activities sprinkled throughout this years Annual Meeting and make sure you plan to stay until Sunday so you can celebrate with us at the 50th Anniversary Gala that closes the event on Saturday night.  We cannot wait to see you in person in Orlando this year!

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