Course Directors: 
Toba Weinstein, MD
Professor of Pediatrics
Fellowship Training Program Director
Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology
Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell
Cohen Children's Medical Center
Northwell Health

Maria Perez, DO
Attending Physician, Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics (Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition)
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Ann & Robert H Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago

Postgraduate Course

Thursday, October 5, 2023
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Module 1: Endoscopy
Moderators: Toba Weinstein, MD, Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell Cohen Children's Medical Center and Marisa Gallant Stahl, MD, MSCS, Children's Hospital Colorado

8:00 AM     Lower GI emergencies
                   Marsha Kay, MD, Cleveland Clinic
                   Learning objectives:
  • Discuss the endoscopic options to evaluate acute lower GI emergencies in pediatric patients
  • Recognize post procedural complications and endoscopic options for evaluation
  • Describe the potential role of colonoscopy in the setting of sigmoid volvulus in pediatric patients
8:20 AM     Transnasal endoscopy: The new journey
                   Nathalie Nguyen, MD, Children's Hospital Colorado
                   Learning objectives:
  • Identify the indications and opportunities for use of transnasal endoscopy (TNE) in the evaluation of esophageal disease
  • Recognize the limitations of TNE
  • Discuss how to integrate TNE into clinical practice
  • Assess the benefits, risks and potential adverse events associated with TNE
8:40 AM     Beyond the surface: Endoscopic management of pediatric pancreatic disease
                   Michael J. Wilsey, Jr, MD, FAAP, John Hopkins All Children's Hospital
                   Learning objectives:
  • Recognize the indications for pediatric ERCP and EUS procedures
  • Describe the anatomical and physiological considerations specific to pediatric patients undergoing ERCP and EUS
  • Identify the equipment and techniques used in pediatric ERCP and EUS procedures
  • Discuss the diagnostic capabilities and therapeutic interventions in evaluating pancreatic and biliary pathologies
9:00 AM - 10:20 AM Module 2: Liver/Pancreas
Moderators: Maria Perez, DO, Lurie Children's Hospital and Deborah A. Neigut, MD, Children's Hospital Colorado

9:00 AM     Role of surgical management in chronic pancreatitis
                   Jaimie Nathan, MD, Nationwide Children's Hospital
                   Learning objectives:
  • Recognize the indications for surgical evaluation and management in cases of chronic pancreatitis in children
  • Describe the anatomic and morphologic factors that help to determine the optimal surgical intervention for chronic pancreatitis in children
  • Describe the techniques and outcomes of conventional surgical options and of total pancreatectomy with islet autotransplantation in children with chronic pancreatitis
9:20 AM     Hepatitis C in 2023
                   Karen F. Murray, MD, Cleveland Clinic
                   Learning objectives:
  • Recognize the state of pediatric HCV nationally and world-wide
  • Identify which patients would benefit from therapy
  • Discuss available treatment options
9:40 AM     Optimizing outcomes in pediatric autoimmune hepatitis
                   Cara Mack, MD, NASPGHAN-F, Medical College of Wisconsin
                   Learning objectives:
  • Discuss best practices in the management of pediatric autoimmune hepatitis (AIH)
  • Discuss therapeutic options for AIH including disease refractory to first-line management
  • Recognize special considerations for AIH patients with NAFLD or PSC
10:00 AM   New names and new treatments: Diet or drugs or both for MASLD
                   Miriam B. Vos, MD, MSPH, Emory University
                   Learning objectives:
  • Discuss MASLD definition and associated conditions
  • Describe best practices for diagnosis
  • Identify the portfolio of therapies potentially useful in the setting of MASLD and related conditions
  • Describe potential approaches for treating MASLD and MASH
10:20 AM - 10:40 AM Break
10:40 AM - 11:40 AM Module 3: FGID/Motility
Moderators: Toba Weinstein, MD, Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell Cohen Children's Medical Center and Tanaz Danialifar, MD, CHLA

10:40 AM    What the FLIP? The role of functional lumen imaging probe (FLIP) in pediatric GI care
                   Jose Garza, MD, Children's Center for Digest Health Care
                   Learning objectives:
  • Recognize the principles behind Endoflip technology
  • Describe the limitations and potential pitfalls of Endoflip technology
  • Discuss the clinical applications of Endoflip in pediatrics
11:00 AM    Updates in achalasia (including POEMs)
                   Samuel Nurko, MD, Boston Children's Hospital
                   Learning objectives:
  • Explain the pathophysiology and clinical presentation of achalasia
  • Discuss the diagnostic approach , focusing on  emerging diagnostic techniques
  • Explore the latest treatment options for achalasia, including non-surgical and surgical methods and their outcomes
11:20 AM    The little brain in the gut: Neuromodulation in disorders of brain gut interactions
                   Rina Sanghavi, MD, MBA, MBBS, Children's Medical Center Dallas/UT Southwestern Medical Center
                   Learning objectives:
  • Recognize what is neuromodulation
  • Describe the pathophysiology of how neuromodulation works
  • Identify neuromodulators approved for disorders of brain gut interaction in pediatrics
11:50 AM - 1:15 PM Lunch on your own/Learning Lunches*

1. Lower GI emergencies: What to do when you are called in the middle of the night
Marsha Kay, MD, Cleveland Clinic Children's
Javier Monagas, MD, Baylor College of Medicine / The Children's Hospital of San Antonio

2. Endoscopic management of pancreatic disease
Michael J. Wilsey, Jr, MD, FAAP, John Hopkins All Children's Hospital
Veronique Morinville, MD, Monreal Children's Hospital/McGill University Health Centre

3. Viral hepatitides
Karen F. Murray, MD, Cleveland Clinic
Nadia Ovchinsky, MD, MBA, New York University

4. MASH: Diet and/or drugs
Miriam B. Vos, MD, MSPH, Emory University
Rachel Kassel, MD, PhD, UAB At Birmingham and Children's of Alabama

5. Functional GID: Beyond medication
Rina Sanghavi, MD, MBA, MBBS, Childrens Medical Center Dallas/UT Southwestern Medical Center
Thomas Ciecierega, MD, NYP - Weill Cornell Medical College

6. Intestinal Failure: Diet and/or drugs
Valeria Cohran, MD, Lurie Children's Hospital
Steven Ciciora, MD, Nationwide Children's Hospital

7. IBD positioning treatment in challenging cases
Ghassan Wahbeh, MD, Seattle Children's Hospital
Lindsey Albenberg, DO, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

8. EOE positioning therapy in challenging cases
Sandeep K Gupta, MD, The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Adrian Chapa-Rodriguez, MD, Parkview Health

*Please note Learning Lunches are a separately ticketed events, but you do need to first be registered for the Postgraduate Course in order to register for a learning lunch. 
1:20 PM - 2:40 PM Module 4: Nutrition Potpourri
Moderators: Maria Perez, DO, Lurie Children's Hospital and Uma Phatak, MD, Yale University School of Medicine

1:20 PM     The neonate with chronic diarrhea: What to do next
                   Yaron Avitzur, MD, Hospital for Sick Children
                   Learning objectives: At the end of this session, you will be able to:
  • Describe the 5 pathophysiological mechanisms of congenital diarrheas and enteropathies (CODEs)
  • Develop a diagnostic work up for a neonate with chronic diarrhea
  • Establish methods to utilize efficiently and timely clinically available diagnostic methods for congenital diarrheas and enteropathies
1:40 PM     New tools for childhood obesity: Revised BMI charts for severe obesity and clinical practice guidelines 
                  Sarah Barlow, MD, MPH, UT Southwestern Medical Center and Children's Medical Center Dallas
                   Learning objectives:
  • Interpret obesity severity using new extended BMI charts
  • Describe the key components of evidence-based health behavior and lifestyle treatment for childhood obesity
  • Describe effects including benefits and possible untoward effects of obesity medications approved for use in children
2:00 PM     Food for thought: Treating Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (FGID) with diet therapy
                   Ann Ming Yeh, MD, Stanford University
                   Learning objectives:
  • Describe the benefits and the risks of recommending a low-FODMAP diet for FGID
  • Recognize the definition of prebiotics and discuss the evidence on prebiotics for IBS treatment
  • Summarize the latest research on the role of fermented foods on the gut microbiome
2:20 PM     Long term complications in short bowel syndrome and intestinal failure: Not out of the woods
                   Valeria Cohran, MD, Lurie Children's Hospital
                   Learning objectives:
  • Identify the pathophysiology of long-term complications of short bowel syndrome
  • Recognize how to screen for potential complications
  • Review the current therapeutic options for management of long-term complication
2:40 PM - 4:00 PM Module 5: Inflammatory diseases
Moderators: Toba Weinstein, MD, Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell Cohen Children's Medical Center and Jacob Kurowski, MD, Cleveland Clinic

2:40 PM     Positioning treatment in pediatric IBD
                   Andrew Grossman, MD, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
                   Learning objectives:
  • Explore importance of “choosing the right therapy”
  • Review currently available therapies for pediatric IBD
  • Compare efficacy and safety of available therapies
  • Suggest positioning based on indication
3:00 PM     Perioperative IBD care and immunosuppression
                   Ghassan Wahbeh, MD, Seattle Children's Hospital
                   Learning objectives:
  • Recognize the clinical challenges that precede surgery in IBD
  • Describe the impact of immunosuppression on postoperative outcomes
  • Review steps to optimize perioperative care and postoperative outcomes
3:20 PM     Microscopic colitis: Beyond IBD
                   Maria M. Oliva-Hemker, MD, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
                   Learning objectives:
  • Describe the epidemiology and risk factors associated with microscopic colitis
  • Recognize the clinical presentation and diagnostic features of microscopic colitis
  • Develop a strategy for the medical management of pediatric patients with microscopic colitis
3:40 PM     New therapies in EOE
                   Sandeep K Gupta, MD, The University of Alabama at Birmingham
                   Learning objectives:
  • Summarize updates on current therapies
  • Describe new and pipe-line therapies
  • Recognize appropriate positioning of biologics in clinical care