9:00 AM Grant Award Winner Presentation - Prevalence of Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)
in Children and Adolescents with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Jennifer Smith
, Nationwide Children's Hospital
Learning objectives:
- Define ARFID and briefly review current literature including and gaps in knowledge in AFRID in pediatric IBD
- Describe study methods including benefits and limitations of screening tools
- Present most recent data for this single-center study
9:15 AM ARFID: The Pediatric GI Perspective
Richard J. Noel, MD PhD, Duke University Medical Center
Learning objectives:
- Learners will be able to define ARFID, and will be able to differentiate between ARFID and pediatric feeding disorder
- Learners will be able to identify ways dietitians can support families during ARFID treatment
- Discuss effects of multidisciplinary interventions on managing disorder
10:00 - 10:30 AM Break in Exhibit Hall
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM CPNP Session II
10:30 AM Wild Animals I Have Known: Alpha-Gal Syndrome, the Three C’s, and other Tangential Tales
Barrett Barnes, MD
, University of Virginia
Learning objectives:
- Define the unique delayed IgE-mediated food allergy syndrome Alpha-Gal Syndrome (AGS)
- Review the evolving understanding of the pathophysiology
- Review the current diagnostic evaluation
- Review current therapy strategies
11:15 AM Bad to the Bone: Improving Pediatric Bone Health
Tamara Sims-Dorway, RD, CSP, LD/N
, Arnold Palmer Hospital Pediatric Center for
Digestive Health and Nutrition
Learning objectives:
- Review steps taken to create a multidisciplinary Pediatric GI bone clinic
- Describe the criteria and clinical measures used to assess bone health in pediatric patients
- Discuss effects of multidisciplinary interventions on bone health as evidenced by DEXA scan results and surgical feedback/assessments
- Compare and contrast application of nutrition interventions in varying disease states
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM Poster Session III/Lunch in Exhibit Hall
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM NASPGHAN Concurrent Session V
What's in a Name? MASLD and Obesity
Moderators: Ulrich Baumann, MD, ESPGHAN President, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
2:00 PM Unraveling MASLD: New Nomenclature, Definitions and the Impact of Malnutrition in Pediatric MASLD
Mohit Kehar, MD, Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario
Learning objectives:
- Understand the New Nomenclature and Definitions
- Recognize the New Diagnostic Criteria
- Understand the Key Relationship Between Malnutrition (Undernutrition/Overnutrition) and MAFLD
2:25 PM Abstract
2:37 PM Staying off Medications: Nutritional Treatment of MASLD and Obesity
Sara Karjoo, MD, CPE, FOMA, Johns Hopkins Hospital
Learning objectives:
- Compare and contrast the evidence-based diets for treatment of MASLD and Obesity in children
- Recognize which diets improve MASLD and/or provide weight loss
3:02 PM CBT/Psychological Aspects of Behavioral Changes, Multiple Markers of Success:
Interdisciplinary Treatment of MASLD and Obesity
E Thomaseo Burton, PhD, MPH, ABPP, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and
Venus Setareh Kalami, MNSP, RD, CSP, Lucile Packard Stanford Children's Health
Learning objectives:
- Discuss the roles of nutrition and psychology in addressing eating behaviors, lifestyle habits, and body image
- Review psychological techniques (e.g., motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioral therapy) that support adherence to treatment recommendations
- Explore reframing patient and provider goals toward non-weight outcomes
3:45 PM - 4:30 PM CPNP Session III
Optimizing Nutrition for Pediatric Liver Transplant Patients
Elizabeth Scott, RD, CNSC, CSP
, Children's Hospital Los Angeles
Learning objectives:
- Discuss the role of the dietitian through the phases of the transplant process
- Identify appropriate markers of nutrition in pediatric liver disease
- Identify common barriers that advancing liver disease present to providing adequate nutrition
- Describe strategies to address manifestations of end stage liver disease that may interfere with optimizing nutrition
4:30 PM - 5:15 PM CPNP Session IV
Baby-Led Weaning in 3D
Tatiana Maldonado, MS, CCC-SLP, CLEC
, Children's Hospital Los Angeles and
Christy Gardner Figueredo, MS, RD, LD/N
, University of Miami
Learning objectives:
- Define baby-led weaning (BLW)
- List components of the BLW approach to feeding and benefits of early exposure to a variety of foods and nutrient needs
- Identify safe presentations of a variety of foods from ages 6mo-24 mo
- Incorporate BLW to various cultural and socioeconomic needs
- Counsel on appropriate BLW and common parental concerns