General Exhibit Hall Information

The 2018 Annual Meeting will include unopposed exhibit hours providing the perfect opportunity to showcase products and services. Exhibiting is an excellent way to find new prospects, promote customer relations and test-market new products to the over 1,500 decision makers and customers. The scientific posters are also located in the exhibit area, which encourages and facilitates interaction between meeting attendees and representatives from industry.
Poster sessions, including refreshments, will be held in the Exhibit Hall on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Exhibits must be ready by 3pm on Thursday and remain intact until 2:30pm on Saturday. Dismantling will begin at 2:30pm on Saturday.


Thursday, October 25, 2018: 5 pm—7 pm
Friday, October 26, 2018: 10 am—2:30 pm
Saturday, October 27, 2018: 10 am—2:30 pm


Wednesday, October 24, 2018: 1 pm—5 pm
Thursday, October 24, 2018: 8 am—3 pm

All Exhibit set-ups must be completed by 3 pm on Thursday, October 25, 2018.


Saturday, October 27, 2018: 2:30 pm—6 pm

Dismantling of exhibits begins at 2:30 pm on Saturday. Exhibitors should not begin dismantling, packing or tearing down space until 2pm. Violations could result in denial of next year’s exhibit application.


Wednesday, October 24, 2018: 1:00 pm-5:00 pm
Thursday, October 25, 2018: 7:00 am—7:00 pm
Friday, October 26, 2018: 7:00 am—2:30 pm
Saturday, October 27, 2018: 9:00 am—2:30 pm
Please note: Each person should pick up their own badge. They will be able to register on-site if they are not pre-registered.


Standard Booth is 10 feet x 10 feet
Maximum Booth is 20 feet x 20 feet


Standard In-line Booth is $2500.00
Corner Booth is $2750.00
Island Booth is $35 per square foot
(Adobe PDF File)

Exhibit Hall Floor Plan

Exhibit Hall Map
(Adobe PDF File)


2502 Lake Orange Drive
Orlando, FL 32387
Contact: Renee Forbes
Phone: 407–851–0261 ext.210
Exhibitor kits and shipping information will be provided on-line by Brede/Allied.


Every exhibit space should allow for the visibility of other booths. All island booth designs must be approved by NASPGHAN prior to set-up. All exhibits must conform to the standards set by the Healthcare Convention and Exhibitors Association, which are as follows:

No obstructions in the front half of an in-line booth above a height of 40 inches are permitted. The booth height of 8 feet, inclusive of company name and logo, may be maintained up to 50% of the distance from the back wall toward the front of the space.
Electrical or other mechanical apparatus must be muffled so noise does not interfere with other exhibitors. 
No part of any equipment or signs relating thereto shall be posted, nailed or otherwise attached to columns, walls, floors, or other parts of the building or its furniture, in any way to deface same; damage arising by failure to observe these rules shall be payable by the exhibitor.

Standard In-line Booth
A standard in-line booth is 10 feet wide, 10 feet deep and 8 feet high.

Corner Booth
A corner booth is 10 feet wide, 10 feet deep and 8 feet high, and is at the end of a row of in-line booths with access to two through aisles.

Island Booth
An island booth is 20 feet wide and 20 feet deep, with an 8 foot high restriction. The island booth cannot cause a visual disadvantage to adjacent exhibits that is greater than would be caused by an in-line booth in the immediately adjacent space. Island booth layout must be submitted to NASPGHAN by August 7, 2018 for approval.


Priority for space assignment will be based on the date on which applications are received. Applications for exhibit space must be made on the Official Application form.  Tentative reservations may be made by phone and will be held for ten working days. Within this time period, the application and required booth space fees must be forwarded to NASPGHAN or tentative space will be released. No space will be assigned until both an application and payment have been received.
Exhibitors wishing to avoid assignment of space adjacent to that of a particular competitor should indicate this on their application. Careful consideration will be given to all such requests, but relocation cannot be guaranteed.
In the event of conflicts regarding space requests or conditions beyond the control of the exhibit management, NASPGHAN reserves the right to revise, relocate, or reassign exhibit booths at any time for the overall benefit of the meeting. A revised floor plan will be provided upon request.

Cancellations must be submitted to NASPGHAN in writing.  The date on which the exhibitor’s written notice of cancellation is received in the NASPGHAN office will be the official cancellation date.  If space is cancelled on or before August 9, 2018 a $250 processing fee will be retained. Exhibitors cancelling after August 9, 2018 will be responsible for the entire fee.
No refunds for cancellations after August 9, 2018.

Exhibitors not occupying booth space by 4:00pm on Thursday, October 25, 2018, will be responsible for the total booth cost. No refunds for cancellations. This space may be resold or used by NASPGHAN.

Exhibitor agrees to enclose with their application, the appropriate booth fee, made payable to NASPGHAN, and forward to:
714 North Bethlehem Pike, Suite 300
Ambler, PA 19002

 All payments must be made by August 21, 2018.
Exhibitors who are not paid in full will not be permitted to set up their booths and NASPGHAN has the right to resell the space. All checks must be made out in US dollars drawn on a US bank. Visa, MasterCard and American Express are accepted methods of payment.