CPNP Nutrition Symposium
Saturday, October 7, 2023

Handouts/Slides: Click session title to access slides/handouts for that session.
7:00 AM – 8:00 AM Breakfast

8:30 AM – 8:45 am Welcome

8:45 AM - 10:00 AM CPNP Session I: Special Topics

8:45 AM A Single Center initiative to Identify Prevalence of and Diagnoses Associated with Food Insecurity Amongst Pediatric Gastroenterology Patients
Nicole Misner, MS, RDN, University of South Florida
Learning objectives:
  • Define food insecurity
  • Identify steps in implementing a food insecurity screening protocol
  • Identify diagnoses associated with food insecurity amongst pediatric gastroenterology patients

9:00 AM Utilization of a Hospital-Based Food Pantry and Associated Nutrition Education and Cooking Program for Patients with Celiac Disease
Sharon Weston, MS, RD, LDN, CSP, FAND, Boston Children's Hospital
Learning Objectives:
  • Describe the nutritional impact of food insecurity on patients with celiac disease
  • Explain how a hospital-based food pantry can improve patient access to gluten free foods
  • Review the process of setting up and implementing a monthly cooking class for food insecure families with celiac disease

9:15 AM Lactation and You:  Improving Breastfeeding Assessment and Problem-Solving
Ellen Lechtenberg, MPH, RD, IBCLC, Management Consultant, L Berg Consulting and Adventures LLC
Learning objectives:
  • List 2-3 benefits of human milk feeding for moms and infants
  • Explain 3 common breastfeeding challenges and interventions
  • Verbalize 2-3 reasons for poor growth in breastfed infants
  • Describe treatment options for Allergic Proctocolitis in the breastfed infant

10:15 AM - 12:00 PM CPNP Session II: Practice Updates

10:15 AM Latest Updates in the Management of Food Allergies
Stephanie Leonard, MD, Associate Clinical Professor, UC San Diego, Rady Children's Hospital
Alison Cassin, MS, RD, CSP, LD, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

11:15 AM Review and Discussion of the AAP’s Clinical Practice Guideline for the Evaluation and Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Obesity
Venus Kalami, MNSP, RD, CSP, Lucille Packard Stanford Children’s Hospital

12:00 PM – 2:00 PM Poster Session III/Lunch in Exhibit Hall
NASPGHAN Annual Meeting Sessions Approved for CPEs
The following session, held during the general NASPGHAN Annual Meeting, was approved for CPEUs as an added value to our members.  *Please note additional NASPGHAN sessions, hosted on Friday, that also offer CPEUs for CPNP Attendees.  

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM NASPGHAN Concurrent Session V
From the kitchen to the clinic: Improving health outcomes through diet
Moderators: Valerie Marchand, MD, Ste-Justine UHC and Conrad Cole, MD, MPH, MSc, Cincinnati Children's Hospital

2:00 PM     When food becomes medicine: Eat, drink and be wary
                   Kathleen Gura, PharmD, Boston Children's Hospital
                   Learning objectives:
                   At the conclusion of this lecture the participant should be able to:
  • Describe how foods can be used therapeutically to treat conditions such as bacterial overgrowth and colic
  • List several common drug-nutrient interactions associated with specific foods
  • Discuss what clinicians should tell patients when buying nutritional supplements for treating a specific condition
2:25 PM     Abstract
2:37 PM     The anti-inflammatory way
                   Maria R. Mascarenhas, MBBS, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
                   Learning objectives:
  • Understand what the anti-inflammatory way means
  • Be aware of the literature supporting the anti-inflammatory way in adults and children
  • Learn about implementation in pediatric patients
3:02 PM     Applied ‘colon-ary’ medicine for GI disorders
                    Kaylie Nguyen, MS, Lucile Packard Children's Hospital @ Stanford
                   Learning objectives: Upon completion of this session, the learner will be able to:
  • Name 3 dairy products that are naturally lactose-free
  • Explain the basic premise of the Specific Carbohydrate diet and its primary clinical application
  • List 2 bioactivities of kefir than can benefit gut health

3:45 PM - 5:15 PM CPNP Session III: Expanding Your Nutrition Support Skillset through Hands-On Practice**

Rotate Hands on Stations:

1.      Bolus Feedings - Mary Kuehl, MS, RD, CWCMS, Regional Registered Dietitian, Shield Health Care - Medical Supplies for Care at Home
2.      Gravity Feedings – Jaime Rangel, RDN, Clinical Dietitian, Lincare
3.      Feeding Pump Features - Danielle Hunter RD, LD, CD, Registered Dietitian, Emerging Health
4.      Types of Feeding Tubes - Cynthia Reddick, RD, CNSC, Home Tube Feeding Expert, Educator & Strategist, HEN Consultant
5.      Venting and Draining - Julie Tarra, MS, RD, Clinical Service Liaison - Nutrition Specialist, Coram - CVS Specialty Infusion Services
6.      Adaptive Devices - Jessi McCarroll, MBA, RD, CNSC, Territory Manager, Premier Infusion & Healthcare Services
7.      Preventing Line Entanglement - Katherine Bennett, RD, MPH, CHOC Children’s Hospital
8.      Overview of IV Access - Michael D. Clark, PharmD,  Pharmacy Manager, Rady Children's HomeCare  

 ** Please note this hands on session is an information session only and CPE will not be awarded for this session.

Friday, October 6

*NASPGHAN Annual Meeting Sessions Approved for CPEs

The following sessions, held during the general NASPGHAN Annual Meeting on Friday, October 6th, were approved for CPEUs as an added value to our members. 

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM NASPGHAN Concurrent Session I
Nutrition potluck
Moderators: Senthilkumar Sankararaman, MD, Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital and Ruben E. Quiros-Tejeira, MD, University of Nebraska Medical Center

10:30 AM    Unravelling the mystery of sarcopenia in pediatric gastrointestinal and liver disease
                     Diana Mager, PhD, MSc, RD, University of Alberta
                     Learning objectives:

  • Describe the clinical features of sarcopenia in infants and children with pediatric gastrointestinal and liver disease
  • Methodological concerns related to identifying sarcopenia
  • Describe the clinical outcomes associated with sarcopenia in infants and children with gastrointestinal and liver disease

10:55 AM    Abstract
11:07 AM    Hunger and growth: Addressing food insecurity in pediatric GI
                     Lauren Fiechtner, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital for Children
                     Learning objectives: Upon completion of the session, the learner will be able to:

  • Estimate the impacts of food insecurity on childhood growth
  • Understand the disparities in food insecurity and access among children
  • Identify where to find resources in their community and nationally to address food insecurity

11:32 AM    NASPGHAN Foundation/Reckitt-Mead Johnson Nutrition Research Young Investigator Development Award
                     Clinical Outcome and Microbiome Biomarkers Predicting Success with Fiber Food Introduction in Short Bowel Syndrome
                     Wenjing Zong, MD, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Go with your gut feeling: The biology of DGBIs
Moderators: Gisela G. Chelimsky, MD, Virginia Commonwealth University and Erick Manuel Toro Monjaraz, MD MsC, Instituto Nacional de Pediatria

10:30 AM    Diet and DGBI: Benefit or Bogus
                     Robert J. Shulman, MD, Children's Nutrition Research Center
                     Learning objectives:

  • Describe the diets available to treat DGBI
  • Discuss the evidence supporting/refuting the use of specific diets

10:55 AM    Abstract
11:07 AM    Role of allergy in DGBI
                     Craig A. Friesen, MD, Children's Mercy Hospital
                     Learning objectives:

  • Understand role of mast cells in DGBIs
  • Understand allergies in the context of the biopsychosocial model of pain
  • Understand the limitations of allergy testing in DGBIs

11:32 AM    NASPGHAN Foundation/Takeda Pharmaceutical Products Inc. Research Innovation Award
                     Kara Gross Margolis, MD, New York University

2:30 PM - 4:00 PM NASPGHAN Concurrent session II

Optimizing outcomes in intestinal rehabilitation
Moderators: Robert Venick, MD, Mattel Children's Hospital At UCLA and Joanne Lai, MD, Mount Sinai Medical Center

2:30 PM     Management of Anemia and GI bleeding in intestinal failure patients
                    Saurabh Talathi, MD, Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center
                    Learning objectives:

  • Recognize the burden of anemia in Pediatric Intestinal Failure
  • Discuss the differential diagnosis of anemia in Pediatric Intestinal Failure
  • To discuss the evaluation and management of anemia in Pediatric Intestinal Failure
2:55 PM     Anatomy of nutritional assessment
                    Tegan J. Medico, MS, MPH, RDN, CNSC, UVA Children's
                    Learning objectives:
  • Anticipate nutrition risks and therapuetic opportunities according to the major anatomical categories of short bowel syndrome
  • Incorporate nutrition-focused physical exam techniques into the nutrition assessment
  • Troubleshoot growth problems or electrolyte abnormalities using non-routine biochemical data
3:20 PM     NASPGHAN Foundation/Abbott Nutrition Advanced Fellowship Training in Pediatric Nutrition
                    Jessica Deas, MD, Children's Hospital Los Angeles
3:32 PM     Monitoring psychological factors in the intestinal rehab journey
                    Jessica Valenzuela, PhD, ABPP, Nova Southeastern University
                    Learning objectives:
  • To be able to identify factors impacting quality of life in families cared for within pediatric intestinal rehabilitation programs
  • To be familiar with examples of mental health screening tools as well as social and mental health services relevant to care within pediatric intestinal rehabilitation programs
  • To consider future clinical, training, and research directions that would improve the support that can be provided to families seen within pediatric intestinal rehabilitation programs

Practicing in an era of limited resources:  Tips and pitfalls
Moderators: Ian H. Leibowitz, MD, Children's National Medical Center and Molly O'Gorman-Picot, MD, University of Utah

2:30 PM     Tips and pitfalls: What to say and do when you don’t have a psychologist
                    Bradley Jerson, PhD, Connecticut Children's Medical Center
                    Learning objectives: Participants will be able to:
  • Employ communication techniques within standard GI clinical encounters to enhance the therapeutic relationship and activate behavioral change in youth and families
  • Identify and navigate common roadblocks in treatment, even when they may be influenced by psychosocial complexities
  • Implement strategies to improve family willingness to access mental health care and enhance collaboration with school and community-based behavioral-health providers to support collaborative GI treatment planning
2:55 PM     Tips and pitfalls: What to say and do when you don’t have a dietitian
                    Sally Schwartz, RD, CSP, LDN, Ann & Robert H Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago
                    Learning objectives:
  • Explain the significance of nutritional assessment and summarize its components
  • Recognize situations when patients may be at risk for micronutrient deficiencies
  • An understanding of high risk situations for growth failure
3:20 PM     Abstract
3:32 PM     Tricks of the trade in pediatric gastroenterology
                    Jonathan E. Teitelbaum, MD, Monmouth Medical Center
                    Learning objectives: The learner will:
  • Learn tricks to be more efficient in daily practice
  • Learn tricks on how to maintain a work life balance
  • Learn tricks to "keeping up on the literature"