Course Directors:
Maria Oliva-Hemker MD 
Director, Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
Stermer Family Professor of Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Vice Chair for Faculty Development, Diversity and Promotion, Dept. of Pediatrics
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Toba Weinstein, MD
Professor of Pediatrics
Fellowship Training Program Director
Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology
Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell
Cohen Children's Medical Center
Northwell Health

Postgraduate Course

Saturday, December 18
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Eastern Time/7:00 AM - 2:00 PM Pacific Time
All times shown in schedule are Eastern Time

All sessions are available within 24 hours and for a full year after the live event.

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM  Module 1: Endoscopy
Moderators: Dominique Bailey, MD, Columbia University Medical Center and Maria Oliva-Hemker, MD, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

10:00 AM   Caustic ingestion in children: Diagnostic and therapeutic approach
                   George M. Zacur, MD, University of Michigan Health System
                   Learning objectives:
  • Recognize when a caustic ingestion has occurred, and determine toxicity of the substance and the urgency of the presentation
  • Determine the diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to caustic ingestion, and when immediate imaging, endoscopy, and intervention are warranted
  • Understand the short-term and long-term complications of caustic ingestions and necessary interventions
10:20 AM   Capsule endoscopy: When examination of the small intestinal mucosa is essential
                   Elizabeth C. Utterson, MD, St Louis Children's Hospital
                   Learning objectives:
  • Identify indications for capsule endoscopy
  • Recognize the potential complications of capsule endoscopy
  • Understand the utility of capsule endoscopy for polyposis syndromes
  • Recognize that capsule endoscopy may be more specific for small intestinal inflammation than  cross-sectional imaging
10:40 AM   ERCP for the management of biliary and pancreatic disorders
                   David M. Troendle, MD, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School
                   Learning objectives:
  • Understand common pancreatic and biliary indications for ERCP in children
  • Identify equipment utilized to perform ERCP in children
  • Recognize common complications following ERCP in children
11:00 AM - 12:20 PM  Module 2: Liver/Pancreas
Moderators: Thomas Ciecierega, MD, NYP - Weill Cornell Medical College and Toba Weinstein, MD, Cohen Children’s Medical Center, Northwell Health

11:00 AM   Complications of acute pancreatitis
                   Quin Liu, MD, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
                   Learning objectives:
  • Understand the differences among the pancreatic complications of pancreatic fluid collection, pseudocyst, necrotic fluid collection and walled-of necrosis
  • Discuss the stepwise approach to the management of necrotizing pancreatitis
  • Understand the different therapeutic options for necrotizing pancreatitis
11:20 AM   DILI: Drugs and the liver in children
                   Jean P. Molleston, MD, Riley Hospital for Children
                   Learning objectives:
  • Identify characteristics of drug-induced liver injury (DILI) in children and adults
  • Know the drugs most commonly associated with DILI
  • Recognize phenotypes of DILI associated with specific drugs
11:40 AM   The pancreas in cystic fibrosis: What can we offer our pediatric patients in 2021?
                   Véronique Morinville, MD, Montreal Children's Hospital
                   Learning objectives:
  • Appreciate pancreas involvement in children with cystic fibrosis (CF)
  • Describe current exocrine pancreas supportive measures in CF
  • Discuss recent and emerging therapies to improve CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) function
12:00 PM   What's new in Wilson Disease diagnosis and treatment
                   Michael Schilsky, MD, Yale New Haven Hospital
                   Learning objectives:
  • Understand the approach to Wilson disease diagnosis
  • Discuss treatment options for Wilson disease
  • Improve your monitoring of Wilson disease treatment
  • Understand what future options lie ahead for treatment and monitoring of Wilson disease patients
12:40 PM - 2:00 PM  Module 3: FGID/Motility
Moderators: Maria Perez, DO, Ann & Robert H Lurie Children's Hospital and Maria Oliva-Hemker, MD, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

12:40 PM    To ruminate or stop - how is the question
                     Rina Sanghavi, MD, UT Southwestern Medical Center
                     Learning objectives:
  • Recognizing rumination from other causes of vomiting
  • Identify when to order tests and how to interpret them
  • Evaluate common therapies for rumination
1:00 PM     Gastroparesis
                    Anita Rowhani Sicolo, MD, FAAP, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
                    Learning objectives:
  • Identify the clinical symptoms of gastroparesis
  • Understand the diagnostic criteria for this disorder
  • Review the treatment options
1:20 PM    When everything comes to a stop: What can we learn from children with intestinal pseudo-obstruction
                   Desale Yacob, MD, Nationwide Children's Hospital
                   Learning objectives:
  • Define Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction and its clinical presentation
  • Describe its diagnostic evaluation in relationship to other intestinal motility disorders
  • Review the available therapeutic approaches
1:40 PM     Are we missing masqueraders of abdominal pain?—Dr Google says I have “MALS” or ….
                     Samuel Nurko, MD, Boston Children's Hospital
                     Learning objectives:
  • Understand the pathophysiology and diagnostic approach of pain predominant disorders of brain gut interaction
  • Describe possible underlying conditions that produce functional abdominal pain
  • Analyze the epidemiology, pathophysiology, evaluation and treatment of those conditions 
2:40 PM - 3:40 PM  Module 4: Inflammatory diseases
Moderators: Daphne Say, MD, UC Davis and Toba Weinstein, MD, Cohen Children’s Medical Center, Northwell Health

2:40 PM    Food protein-induced allergic proctocolitis (aka Cow's milk protein allergy)
                   Victoria Martin, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital
                   Learning objectives:
  • Recognize the epidemiology of FPIAP, diagnostic criteria, and limitations of the current literature
  • Understand the potential implications of dietary elimination
  • Define the international guidelines and understand the importance and timing of challenges
3:00 PM    Anemia in IBD
                   Alka Goyal, MD, Stanford University
                   Learning objectives:
  • Recognize the types of anemia in IBD
  • Understand the etiology of anemia in IBD
  • Identify screening tests and appropriate monitoring of anemia in IBD
  • Review the treatment of anemia in IBD
3:20 PM    The role of therapeutic monitoring for biologics
                   Marla Dubinsky, MD, Mount Sinai
                   Learning objectives:
  • Describe the factors that most influence pharmacokinetics
  • Compare drug concentrations between induction and maintenance phase
3:40 PM - 5:00 PM  Module 5: Potpourri
Moderators: Adrian Chapa-Rodriguez, MD, UAMS and Maria Oliva-Hemker, MD, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

3:40 PM    Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth: Myths and realities
                 Bruno Chumpitazi, MD, Texas Children's Hospital/ Baylor College of Medicine
                 Learning objectives:
  • Review factors which increase the risk for SIBO
  • Understand the strengths and weaknesses of SIBO diagnostic evaluations
  • Identify treatment approaches for children with SIBO
4:00 PM    Paging GI:  Gastrointestinal and hepatic complications of oncologic therapies and hematopoietic stem cell
                 Nadia Ovchinsky, MD, MBA, Children's Hospital at Montefiore
                 Learning objectives:
  • Recognize potential gastrointestinal and hepatic complications of chemotherapy and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, formulate a differential diagnosis, and develop a strategy for work-up
  • Understand risk factors, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and management of graft-versus-host disease and hepatic sinusoidal obstruction syndrome
4:20 PM    Intestinal rehabilitation
                 Sue J. Rhee, MD, UCSF
                 Learning objectives:
  • Review how intestinal digestion and absorption are altered in short bowel syndrome
  • Discuss strategies to compensate for loss of bowel length and function
  • Discuss how to balance enteral tolerance with promoting intestinal adaptation
4:40 PM    GERD diagnosis: An update
                   Ajay Kaul, MBBS, MD, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
                 Learning objectives:
  • Discuss the indications and various testing modalities for evaluating GERD in children
  • Discuss specific metrics and limitations for diagnosing GERD in children