
There are several ways that the Clinical Practice Committee helps to support research interest of the clinician: 

Cow's Milk Protein Intolerance Study: This internet research initiative that links clinical practitioners interested in a particular area of research through an internet linked database.  The pilot study is currently gathering data and involves looking at the outcomes of different management strategies for cow's milk protein intolerance. This first pilot study is currently enrolling patients in the "Cows Milk Protein Intolerance" study.  This study looks at the outcome of infants diagnosed with milk protein intolerance related to the type of intervention initiated.
Abstract Form
Consent Form

NASPGHAN Foundation Innovations in Clinical Care Grant: These grants support the investigation and development of innovative, high-impact tools and methods to optimize the quality of care and health care delivery to children with digestive diseases and disorders. The intent of these grants is to foster innovations in health care delivery and quality of care that are relevant to the clinically focused pediatric gastroenterologist. Criteria for award selection include the potential impact of the project on patient care and the applicability of the project to the general NASPGHAN community. The grants are selected for funding by the Clinical Practice Committee and funded by the NASPGHAN Foundation.  


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