Kristin Lynette Whitfield Van Buren, MD
Texas Children's Hospital
Baylor College of Medicine, Pediatric Gastroenterology

Texas Children's Hospital
Baylor College of Medicine
6601 Fannin Street, MWT Suite 1010.00
Houston, TX 77030-2399
Phone: 832-822-1048
Fax: 832-825-3633

K. Lynette Van Buren, MD 
Program Director
Associate Professor
Office phone: 832-822-1054
Fax: 832-825-3633

Seema Walsh, MD
Associate Program Director
Phone: 832-822-1070
Fax: 832-825-3633

Participate in match: yes # Slots: 4


Please consider a donation to NASPGHAN Foundation.


Essential Pediatric GI Review Course
On line Course is now available for purchase