Clinical Practice Resources


Updated joint ESPGHAN/ NASPGHAN guidelines for management of H. pylori infection 

Dear NASPGHAN Members:

In  this email please find a link to the joint updated NASPGHAN/ESPGHAN Clinical Practice Guideline entitled 
Updated joint ESPGHAN/ NASPGHAN guidelines for management of H. pylori infection in children and adolescents (2023). Matjaž Homan MD1*, Nicola L. Jones MD PhD2*+, Patrick Bontems MD3, Matthew W. Carroll, MD4, Steven J. Czinn MD5, Benjamin D. Gold MD6, Karen Goodman PhD7, Paul R. Harris MD8, Robert Jerris PhD9, Nicolas Kalach MD10, Michal Kori MD11, Francis Megraud MD12, Marion Rowland MD13, Marta Tavares MD14 on behalf of ESPGHAN/ NASPGHAN.

 It has undergone formal peer review within NASPGHAN and ESPGHAN and has been approved by both Councils.  This manuscript is now available for review and comments by the NASPGHAN membership.  Please provide any comments or suggestions by May 16. You can access the document here and it also can be viewed on the member's only section of the NASPGHAN website. Comments should be sent to the National Office ( no later May 16.

 Thank you in advance for your contribution to the review process of Clinical Practice Guidelines written on behalf of NASPGHAN.

 Best wishes,

 Jenifer Lightdale, MD


NASPGHAN Foundation Innovations in Clinical Care Grant  : These grants for developing office based educational materials are funded through the NASPGHAN foundation.  The office based grants are selected for funding by the Clinical Practice Committee.  The purpose of these grants is to support the development of innovative teaching materials that can be made available to the NASPGHAN practitioner community.

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